Muslim dating culture

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Elopement is also a strategy used by female Tausugs in order to be able to enter into a second marriage, or done by an older unwed lady by seducing muslim dating culture man who is north than her. If heartbroken or stalked, seek help. No doubt believers of many faiths who, being comfortable with understanding their religion from a devotional perspective, will have difficulties in coming to terms with the scholarly and analytical approach we have discussed above. They are working to undermine me. In the same ring, he also greatly stressed the importance of keeping the teeth clean. They support nuking foreign cities generally all the time. Summary Islam, like Christianity, Judaism and other world religions, varies in its interpretations, rituals and practices. The readings on the Joseph story and its literary and civil expressions in various cultural contexts invite an exploration of the role that cultural contexts play in creating diverse Muslim interpretations of the same text.

Muslims account for over twenty percent of the population of the world and more than that fraction of prime-aged girls. For religious and cultural reasons these girls tend to be quite inaccessible to outsiders and often have their romantic and sexual choices restricted or simply made on their behalf. A high proportion of Muslim girls, families, and communities take religious and cultural practices and rules seriously. These practices include an outright ban on romantic and sexual contact with non-Muslim men. That makes them a difficult, but not impossible challenge for an outsider. The journey to success with a Muslim girl is often challenging but can be a rewarding one. This article attempts to offer some guidance on what a man should expect on this journey. All points are generalizations only, based on the personal experiences of the author, who is not a Muslim. As with any other religious group there is a high level of variation between individuals within that group. These points should only be seen as tendencies to look out for and warnings of what to be prepared for, not as certainties. Subtle cues Associating with non-Muslim men or being seen to encourage the prospect is a much riskier proposition for a Muslim girl. Consequently, Muslim girls will give more subdued signals and will wait for greater certainty before clearly demonstrating interest. If a girl with a headscarf shows the slightest sign of interest then she is very interested. If she allows herself to be isolated or consents to any kind of public display then sex is a virtual certainty. Remember that to her what others see and think is everything so privacy, secrecy and subtlety are gold. Distinct sex roles Sex roles are distinct both in the sense of being clearly different and being defined in a distinctive way. Showing strength and alpha characteristics is still vital, but at least a nod to beta provider game is indispensable in this demographic. Threats of injury, prison, and death There is no easy way around this one. Expect deadly serious physical threats from her and from those close to her if they know or suspect the situation. In my experience these threats are always just hot air. On the other hand, everyone has heard about situations where they turned out to be all too serious. Threats by themselves do not indicate any personal ill will. Just think of them as negotiating tactics. As with all threats it is critical to maintain a steady, untroubled manner. Make a clear decision to dismiss the threat, back down fully or leave then own that choice fully. Visible fear or vacillation is like waving a red rag at a bull. Choose as safe a medium and environment for such conversations as possible. Acknowledging understanding and requesting time to think, decide or learn can be a useful tactic for escaping a situation that seems imminently dicey. Attempts to manage perceptions Muslim girls will feel shame at the thought of others knowing about her forbidden love, but not personal guilt. Consequently her focus will not be on reluctance to do but on reluctance to be seen to do. She will probably attempt to hide any contacts from her family and peers. If she is not a virgin she will likely claim to have only one previous partner who raped or coerced her. She will be obsessed with evading awkward questions about relationship status from others and avoid situations in which they might come up. Interactions are sometimes carefully managed to imply her boyfriend is her husband without telling a direct lie. Demands to convert to Islam A Muslim girl will usually have marriage in mind as an endgame from an early stage. The rules of the religion do not allow any marriage unless the man agrees to convert to Islam. Therefore she will also have that in mind from an early stage. Her family will hope to resolve the situation in one of two ways—by either getting rid of the man or forcing marriage with conversion. This is one of the topics which can be expected to trigger physical threats. Those threats will become more direct, immediate, and forceful as the perceived level of seriousness of the relationship increases. Conversion means agreeing to a set of odious religious rules covering every aspect of life down to the smallest detail. Obviously it is not something that can be sincerely agreed to or insincerely agreed to while remaining a man of strength, character, and value. A trouble-free sex life Islamic religious rules mandate that a girl give her husband sex at any time or in any manner he chooses. Muslim girls typically live up to this one in any sexual relationship. For girls circumcision is common in some areas but covers a wide range of practices, from minor to absolutely brutal. The minor kind will not change the practice of sex much, but does seem to make losing virginity a more painful and bloody experience. I have no firsthand experience of the more severe practices. Circumcision is mandatory for men in Islam. Girls will not have a problem with a man who is not. Religious rules that intrude on normal life Expect as much pressure to comply with religious rules for living as she feels she can get away with. This pressure will take the form of outright appeals to religion, but also of seemingly unrelated lobbying and rationalizations. My strategy is to evade these conflicts until the relationship becomes sexual, then cheerfully violate every rule as much as possible. Even the least religious Muslim girls will shun pork and probably alcohol. Any influence she might have will be used to avoid them and not just for her. For eating out she will go to great lengths to choose the most compliant eating establishment. That means having the most Arabic script, space for prayers etc. In theory every Muslim prays five times a day. Compliance will probably be patchy though. The process involves washing in a mandated style, then putting on a prayer costume, then doing the prayer itself on a prayer mat. Annoyingly the first prayer is at five in the morning. By default no consideration, such as going into another room, will be shown so expect to be woken up. During the month of Ramadan many girls will fast during daylight hours. This month features more compliance with prayer schedules and her cooking breakfast before dawn too. In theory it also means no sex during daylight hours, but in practice girls will if it comes up. Lack of interest in contraceptives and abortion In Western communities contraception and to a lesser extent abortion are routine parts of life. Not so in this case. Do not expect her to be using contraceptives or to push for their use. In the event of pregnancy she is unlikely to want an abortion and her family will definitely not agree to an abortion. If Western women are not satisfying your needs or meeting your standards, it may be worth giving a Muslim woman a chance. Muslim women often are able to provide what Western women lack. Inbreeding causes deformaties whereas mongrelizing produces the lowest common denominator trait package to dominate. Tribal hegemony keeps the purebloods pure. Purebloods have distinct exceptional traits that can serve all of mankind. These traits are lost with mongrelizing. The totally raceless mongrel cannot retrieve or distill their original separate pureblood components after a hundred generations. Once a mongrel, forever a mongrel. World religions are LIKE A SALAD BAR — — you pick the quality morsels and leave the mystery goulash salad patte that gives you diarrhea. She sits, fumes and squirms, reads and prays, but she does not raise hell in the house at least. And the shit stinks. It REEKS man, you know it. Race mixing destroys the pureblood tribes. Most religions at their core were practiced as an aid to keep the wild she beasts civil and as willing and loyal servants of the patriarch. Humans become like dumb animals without souls under bitch rule. Civilization suffers when the bitch assumes the roost. Only under the patriarch does she become fully human in spirit when she gives her all, mind body and soul unto her master THE PATRIARCH. NO KING for the jews anymore for no king can come forth from a bunch of chopped down men, but geeez do they have a shitload of big mouthed, domestically dominant and assertive princesses. We had been pen friends of sorts back in the day the internet was young. At that time certainly it was not as extreme as people think. The Saudi air force guy I was talking to recently thought what ISIS was doing was abominable and not true Islam. Yes, its a crazy religion and encourages the development of nutcases in large numbers but a large number of people are not extremists. Even the 25% statistic Donald Trump spoke of as thinking violence was justified is only 25%. There are still lots of reasonable good willed ones. Unfortunately the nutcases are very common. RationaliseThis If you go to the more liberal of Muslim countries such as the UAE you will be surprised by the large number of attractive women there. You can see it even through their scarves etc and not all dress that way, mainly the married ones do. Part of the problem in the west is that we take the worst scum bag Muslims. Refugees my ass, most are scum bag opportunists. They are scum in their own countries and scum when they come to ours. The advantage is all theirs. I mean seriously, the sex better be so unimaginably sensational, and over the long haul, for me to ever go this route. Especially from future relatives involved in my personal love life. This article is in the wrong place. There has to be several forums for beta whipped, pussy starved walking psyche complexes who would gladly take this advice as a lifestyle. Hopefully they take all the feminists with them to the middle of Iraq, or the north of Nigeria. Shaka FYI, a lot of ex marines from Iraq and Afghanistan converted to Islam and married Muslim women. No one is giving you death threats. Think about it this way, if your daughter, who you cherished and educated and instilled with her the morals of not getting on the cock carousel and waiting for marriage to have sex all of a sudden gets deflowered before marriage by a guy just using her for sex, would you not give that guy death threats? Betas do not go after Muslim women. Shaka You guys are just all a bunch of racists. This site preaches to marry women that are 1. Obedient to their husbands, 3. Know that family is important. And the women who follow such things are Muslim Girls!! I said it before, Muslim girls are the best sought out females because they at least have a sense of dignity left. Sure, there are some black sheeps, but on a majority scale, you are going to have a much decent life and stable relationship than a western woman who has been on the cock carousel. Get educated, and stop assuming things. That is blue pill bullshit. Their desire to kill us is second only to their desire to convert us to Islam. Death is the punishment for being an infidel. See the conquest of Spain and France in the 700s. The conquest of Sicily in 800s. The Muslim sack of Rome in 846. The relentless attacks on the Byzantines for hundreds of years. The real question is, when has Islam not been at war with Europe? Ulick McGee Every so often Malaysians like to riot against the Chinese which is how Singapore came into being. Indonesians even more so. No, the Chinese shopkeepers were just being non-Muslim in Muslim countries. The problem is Islam, you taqiyah merchant. Muslims are not wanted in the western world. Pew Research 2013 : 19% of Muslim Americans believe suicide bombings in defense of Islam are at least partially justified global average is 28% in countries surveyed. Shaka Posting photographed pictures will not change the truth. You having hate for a specific religion or race just shows who you are as a person. There is no where where it says Muslims will get 72 virgins. Guessed You having hate for a specific religion or race just shows who you are as a person. There is no where where it says Muslims will get 72 virgins. In the Quran there are many references to getting virgins in heaven. But still… Islam is a bunch of bullshit. The United states can not be destroyed in open warfare. It is too powerful a nation. Multiculturalism is the name of the game. As more and more people that follow religions that are opposed to nearly all western values, like Islam, are allowed to come here, the entire country will eventually destabilize. It will happen here too unless immigration is halted. Man, I am sorry to say, but you really come over as an American dumbass. Muslim extremists abuse religion to justfy their actions. What they do is not representative for all the Muslims. I have lived in a muslim country, people are very friendly and have a sober life. You are a perfect example of the typical retard superficial American. But I have been in the US and know that not all Americans are like you… Ulick McGee Europeans love to wallow in the superiority of a high-brow culture which has almost died out, blind to the the creeping niggerification of the European working class and ignorant of the fact that modern 30-something US coastal dwellers are just as politically lefty, non-religious and effeminate as they are. Stop living in the past. If only we could go back to the majority of Americans being retard superficials instead of the Social Justice Wankers they have become. However , the Koran REQUIRES that Muslims kill infidels and although they must limit themselves to only 3 Muslim wives, they can have all the slave girls they want and still be righteous in the eyes of the Arab moon god. Your Muslim buddies are good people but shitty Muslims. Its not generalizing if It is true! Check the statistics to see what these Muslims really believe. You will be surprised. BTW I am not American. YNet: One third of Palestinians 32% supported the slaughter of a Jewish family, including the children: Pew Research 2010 : 34% of Nigerian Muslims believe suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified. Pew Research 2007 : 26% of younger Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are justified. Poor young jobless men though will likely be pissed off with their lot in life and believe in radical Islam. There are numerous sub faiths of Muslims just like Jehovah Witnesses and Pentecostal Christians are not typical Christians. Muslim women would make very faithful wives and would not be obsessed with junk culture or had fun dating around wink wink with lots of guys. I would not convert for one though. The right way to think about it, as the Dalai Lama said in 2006 when standing up for Muslims to an American audience, was that Americans support nuclear attacks on Muslim cities by greater margins, and also justify civilian casualties by greater percentages with the question is the same. American Southerners are a particularly repulsive bunch, very bloodthirsty, gun-happy, pro-war, racist, and extremely overweight. They support nuking foreign cities generally all the time. That would send out a message, and is a just cause. Terrorists might be slower to kill one of their own ilk. How about you mate, your country have a problem with migrants? Or do you not let them in? PaulLibertarian No you are an example of an apologist and one who obscures cold hard facts with histrionics. It is true that most muslims are decent folks and I live most of my time in muslim countries. But is their freedom of speech, are there honor killings, FGM? Of course these issues are there and they are not present in western countries at least not yet. You can then reach the standards of higher realms where deities live. Jesus died when he could have razed Jerusalem to the ground with divine powers. Many of his devotees, subsequent saints, sacrificed their lives too John Baptist — head on a plate. Sakyamuni gave up a life of wealth and formed monastic cultivation groups. Moses, Jesus, and disciples of Sakyamuni displayed divine powers.. Great divinities who taught higher principals to mankind leaving similar cultural imprints on opposite sides of the world. No miracles documented in Islam, no allowance of puppet to be depicted. We have supposed witnesses that claim to have seen him out and about after his death. What would be a convincing demonstration? Dropping scrolls announcing a nuclear explosion on a certain date and place then demonstrating it would be one. Appearing more widely, before thousands of witnesses. But these individuals are beyond the human mentality of showing off, neither are they circus performers. I can only guess that miracles were a demonstration to humans that there are powers beyond the earthly, and the teachings are to encourage people to get in touch with their more divine and noble natures. If the loaves and fishes happened, that would have been witnessed by many. Moses parting the red sea also witnessed by his tribe. Bodhidhama crossing a river on a reed Deities appearing to individuals, or saints healing people. There are lots of examples of all that kind of stuff all over the world. I for one will be studying zhuan falun, where all this is explained the most comprehensively. I want to go to the United Kingdom to study medicine. Unfortunately, I saw this hate towards us, muslims, and I feel bad, like really bad. If I am going to see this much hate in the United Kingdom, fuck my dream! I am not a bad person, I love everyone. The only reason I will never change religion because it asks us to love and be loved. You are forbidden to kill in islam unless you were to defend yourself. After all, God is merciful, but he punishes Severely. Now, referring to hatred of Muslims in the UK, and elsewhere in Europe, well that is very real. Women walking around shrouded in black cloth is viewed as an affront to the western way of life. The list of ways in which the cultures clash is large. But some of your fellow Muslims have already tarnished your reputation. Do you have any further questions or comments? Thank you for understanding, I hope everyone does. If westerners were flooding to your country, the people there would have the same reaction, especially if new cases of violence arrived with them. No problem, yes I hope everyone can understand and arrive at a good solution to this clash of cultures. Is he worried she sounds better? Too bad she isnt a feminist. In Iraq, all the men hang out on the porch drinking zam zam in the shade while the women are busy working the fields. Then they beat the shit out of the women for asking for water. Was never impressed by anything these clowns have done. Does Islam prevent them from inventing anything new? How come Allah doesnt reward them with houses made out of anything except 5000 year old shit filled mud? Are you listening to yourself? Where are you getting this shit from? Just making up crap and expecting people to believe you? Have you ever been to Iraq? Have you seen all the men there? Do you know what Islam teaches men about the treatment of women? Women are regarded with the highest respect in Islam. If you actually read what it says, you will see why more and more women are converting to Islam. But I am voluntarily. I am a Muslim woman, have been treated with the highest respect and love by my parents. They have treated me like royalty. Given me everything I ever dreamed of and not once have they laid a hand on me. I guess I am abused and oppressed beyond belief. Al Opinya Did you watch the video of the woman getting beat up for singing with him? Look, Pwincess, I gives a fuck what religion you claim to follow. You werent sold into childhood sex slavery by ISIS? Youre allowed to leave your house without a Male escort? You can drive your own car? You one of them Swedish muslims? When I was in Iraq ISIS didnt exist yet. They still had Uday and Qoosay however the hell its spelled raping young girls. Islam didnt help them, we did. Then we left and Islam still couldnt help them. Now they have ISIS raping young girls. If Im talking to a muslim online I know the chances of it being an Iraqi in Iraq are slim to none. How does Islam help exactly? It got your daddy to buy you a car? Dee ISIS does not represent Islam or its teachings. Rape goes against everything we believe in. Yes, I am allowed to leave the house without a male escort. I am allowed to be out late at night. I am allowed to travel alone. I drive my own car. I am a third generation American. Islam is followed properly is beautiful. Al Opinya No, Im not an atheist. I do believe in a God. I just dont believe in anything else. Yes I believe in that. Dont do anything to anyone you wouldnt do to yourself. Since everything is you already. If after you die, your body returns to the Earth. Was your body ever yours? Or were you just borrowing it while you were experiencing with it? If your body was yours, then the Universe is also yours. The Earth is a piece of the Universe, just as every tree is a piece of Earth. Separation is an illusion religion tries to perpetuate. Dick Masterson I promised not to respond since Muslims like to beat around the bush and always give you an indirect and false answer. Have you read the book of Hadith and the Quran? Let me show you some quotes. Allah is forgiving and merciful. Dee your attitudes and your beliefs of your pedophile prophet are the result of the worship of the mediocre and for you defend a religion that promotes public beheading and stoning shocks me. Beheading has everything to do with your false prophet Moohamed and Islam tells you to behead the unbelievers every chance you get. Muslims are nothing but a bunch of savages that follow sadistic teachings. Islam is not a religion, but more of a totalitarianism ideology created by Muhammed the psychopath. Does daddy know you are on a mans website? Keep your 17th century dogma to yourself. Dee So you basically want to pull verses of the Quran out of context to prove your theory? For thousands of years, Muslims have lived in peace alongside Christans and Jews and all other human beings. But in reality, they are just pissed watching their loved ones getting killed before their eyes and want their land and freedom back. But that has nothing to do with Islam or what Islam teaches. I grew up in a religious home and I know to treat thy neighbor with love and peace. My family invites our neighbors over for dinner regularly and vice versa and they are not Muslim. And we are religious. Majority of my friends are not Muslim. We do everything together. We eat out, go to the movies, study, have snowball fights. I am free to make choices as I please as a Muslim woman. Or take holy verses out of context when desperate. I pity you guys. All that hate is just sad. As a Muslim, I walk around and smile to every person that crosses my path, yes, non-Muslims included. Prophet Muhammad PBUH taught us that a smile is like charity. For thousands of years, Muslims have lived in peace alongside Christians and Jews and all other human beings. This was one of the greatest examples of how Islam imposes terroristic ideologies. The Ottoman empire was notorious for converting people by the sword. Even to this day Islam has done nothing to this world besides brainwashing young men into blowing themselves up Jihad and cause havoc around the world. It sounds like someone hit you in the head one too many times. Look, Dick, there is a difference between myth and fact. I can sit and make up shit too and claim it is fact. Again only taking the part that suits your agenda. For those men blowing themselves up, Islam does NOT teach them that. One, they are committing suicide, a sin. Two, they are committing murder, another sin. Three, they are corrupting land, also a sin. None of it is supported by Islam. My brother memorized the whole Quran. He knows it inside out with meaning and context. Yet, he knows it teaches NOT to blow himself up, NOT to kill others, NOT to cause havoc, to treat others with peace and love, to not lie, to see an education, to help others. It must have slipped him by. Only those who blow themselves up are the Muslims that represent Islam. Who do you think you are, Mr. Who made you a scholar of Islam or expert on history? Please keep your hate and bigotry to yourself. Your ignorance is astounding. Civilians can say what they want about Islam, but professional murderers of civilians need to STFU and maybe eat an IED. Sorry about your hatred of Jews, Christians, atheists. We really would rather have nothing to do with you. Unfortunately we live a pluralistic society and have learned to accept differing opinions peacefully. Too bad you are stuck in the 600s A. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but by the same token, this religion is a problem. The West focused on the betterment of the individual, the East, focused on the oppression of the individual, through Islam especially the Muslim tax on non-believers, during the Islamic conquests of antiquity. Muslims have a short memory. Muslims need to acknowledge their bloody thirsty, conquering past. If Islam is peaceful, why did you assholes, wage war, and conquer most of Europe, during the medieval days? Also, if Islam is such a great religion of peace, why the hell, are the original Muslim countries, rife with poverty? If you Muslims think Islam, is so good, why are your fellow followers, fleeing from original Muslim lands, to the West? The bullshit about Muslims living alongside peacefully by Christians, is a half-truth. It will take a strong American, red-pill President, to bring that back. Until we go after the women and children that ISIS is brainwashing and using, we will lose, no matter how much we spend, no matter how many bombs we drop. Until we have mad-max style raids on ISIS villages, machine-gunning the inhabitants, giving them a taste of their own medicine, there is no hope of victory. Do you seriously think we have forgotten what you did to our grandparents generation. Anyone wanna stop playing the eternal victim? But you have all been taught very, very well by the very best. Everything you wrote is straight out of their playbook. Islam is an abomination against universal law. And you will lose, cause universal law is love and Islam is HATE, always has been, always will be. Dee No one can offend our prophet PBUH or God. We are the ones being offended as Muslims, not God or the prophet PBUH. God who created you and me and this whole universe is worth my respect cuz I know he can crush me and take me away any second and I want to be in good shape when I meet Him and gave Him for my sins. Al Opinya I respect that muslims are so easily butthurt over trivial shit. Its why I try not to associate with them. Look at how easily the butthurt makes them queef all over this article? Shit, simply commenting about how they act gets people all huffy. How does one respect such insecurity? No, I come from a place where if someone says God told them to kill people, we call them crazy and for the publics safety we lock them up. Muslims call those guys Jihadis. Like its normal and acceptable. Gospodin Kindness and love…like when he had Asma bint Marwan assassinated in her bed with her children because she criticized him in poetry. Or when he had the centenarian poet Abu Afak killed…for criticizing him…or when he had an old woman Umm Qirfa ripped apart by camels…for rejecting him. I would hate to see its cruelty and hate…. One of the women he had killed was inciting violence against his cruelty in other areas however so he had a justification for it in that case. Mohamed was not playing around. Fairuza Allah SWT and Rasullullah SAW are both worth of my respect. Allah is the one who created you; He is the one who gave you ears, eyes, mouth, and your whole healthy body. He could easily squish you down in one blink of an eye, but because He is the Forgiving and Loving, He gave you all a chance to change yourselves. And that is why I want to appear in good shape when I meet Him in the afterlife. But I am a Muslim and know what it teaches fairly well. I know it is forbidden to commit suicide, by blowing yourself up or other means. It is even more forbidden if you are taking innocent lives with you. What Muslims are taught is that to kill one life is punishable as killing all of mankind. To treat thy neighbor with love and peace. I am having jihad trying to understand where you are getting your facts on Islam from. The other meaning for war does not apply for this day and age. I do not wish anyone dead. Nor do the vast majority of Muslims. Just last month for instance, someone threatened to blow up the mosque I attend. Then told authorities he was just joking when caught. Police let him go. Imagine if he was Muslim threatening to do the same to a church. Media would have had a field day with it. Then he changed his tune. Islam is intended to dominate all other people and faiths. Shaka Where dafuq do you get these illogical fallacious arguments. First of all, a strict muslim girl will never indulge in pre-marital relationships with another muslim man, and never ever with a non-muslim man. The ones who do, well, they never were strict about islam in the first place. To protect and save her dignity, they would want you to marry their daughter and also convert to Islam as muslim women cannot marry a non-muslim guy. Especially when the parents of that same pussy demand that I also accept their religious beliefs and practices. Speaking of Christian women, would YOU accept Christianity in order to marry a chick? Shaka No one is forcing you to marry a Muslim. And if you are going to want to be with a Muslim girl who follows her principles, the only way to be with her is to be in the same belief system as hers, because she is not allowed to marry a non-muslim. Either you join the Light Side of the force, or do your own thing. Lovekraft Why do people have such a hard time understanding that Abrahamism and Mohammedism are objective religions, top-down and rules-based? Christians are very slow to anger but realize that force is necessary sometimes. Mohammedans and Abrahamians are immersed in the dictates of violence. Captain Nemo I have nothing against women with principles, I do however have a lot against women with religious principles. If she wants to be under my roof, there is only one God and that God is me and the only 10 commandments I expect her to follow are those that I set myself. If she is not okay with that, than she can fuck off and go fuck one of her beta orbiters instead. She has no religious affiliation. At best, she considers herself highly spiritual. Yet I have noticed that she in fact possesses a far better moral compass than most religious chicks I have meet so far. Because I know for a fact that I can still land myself a decent, loyal chick without having to put up and compete with their sky daddy. Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them 2:191 Make war on the infidels living in your neighboorhood 9:123 When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them 9:5 Kill the Jews and the Christians if they do not convert to Islam or refuse to pay Jizya tax 9:29 Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable 3:85 The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them 9:30 Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticise Islam. The context of war that is, and the context of those non-Muslims who were creating problems for Muslims in those times. They cannot be used to justify killing of innocents. Of course this will be conveniently ignored by the haters of Islam. The haters do not really want to clear their misconceptions about Islam. Hating is more convenient for them. They are looking for someone to blame for the utter collapse of their societies and Islam is what they are latching onto. Also these haters have always been arrogant in the belief of their own supremacy. When they quote these verses from the Quran, the point that they are making is whatever we do to the Muslims, even if we invade your lands, you should surrender meekly like a Hindu or a Buddhist. Well, they chose to interfere with the wrong religion. They are not for beginners. It shouldnt be a shock that a chechnian muslim like Tsarniov was able to tame an american female. With non muslim men,she belives she can act western herself. She sees them as having lower standards, like not having domestic skills,hymen and not being submissive. Asians are easy on the brain man,trust me. White women today have absolutely no morals they have sex by 15 and think having sex with as many black guys possible is hip and cool. After the date I never called her back. I saw her 2 years later with 2 black babies with no ring on the finger. White women have absolutely no class considered to muslim women. Give their husbands sex whenever and however he wants? If they want diversity, let then have it? They are working to undermine me. Because feminism maintains its treason towards White males we have little chance of winning the fight. The women have already surrendered. We have nothing to fight for. Pieman From what I know so far, I have to agree with you. There was an obvious mutual attraction, and she just made the first move. Robert James Griffith What do you mean? Why in your opinion does the article have to be shit? I quite enjoyed the article, and I appreciate the author taking the time to write it. I have lived in Australia for 10 years now and have seen a steady increase of non-Muslim men dating and marrying Muslim women. The number is still small, but growing. Besides, converting to Islam is not a absolute must. Two close friends of mine out here both White Australians have married Persian women who are Muslims. Both of them are good friends of my wife and I. NEITHER of the girls family gives a shit about whether or not the guys convert. I know this might be a exception and not the rule, but in my opinion one should have a open mind. This site is about making yourself a better man and avoiding the bullshit. I myself dated a Moroccan, and a Chick from Yemen when I was in the Marines. The experience I had with both of them was worth it. I stress to young dudes in particular young White males that they need to expand their horizons in regards to whom they are open to dating and marrying. Not from the perspective of some social justice warrior scum bag, but from the perspective of what will give a man more options. Why should young men box themselves into a corner and not at least consider their options. I believe a major reason why western women and White western women in particular have become some of the most self centred, entitled, narcissistic cunts on the face of the earth is due to the fact that their reign has gone unchallenged. They have been given the earth as their playground, they reap all the benefits, yet bear none of the hardships. This dynamic has to change if western men are going to level the playing field. My wife is a White Arab. Christian Lebanese so I may be a bit biased. However I could not have asked for a more fulfilling women to be by my side. I hear in the Manosphere, and in this site in particular, constant talk of Western women being slutty, unfaithful, unfeminine, entitled cum-dumpsters who will bring about the end of Western civilization, and of how better women used to be. Granted, these sad facts warrant criticism and I agree with all of it. It goes to show how little familiar you are with truly traditional gender dynamics, probably because a lot of people in the 1st world hardly ever have the chance to see them in action. Trust me, I should know, as a dweller of the outskirts of the West, where feminism is still a curious novelty. In societies with strong and traditional Christian values, this is exactly how women were expected to behave, save obviously the Muslim-exclusive stuff like the headscarf and the praying five times a day. In the remote case that a relationship was not arranged by parents, which was the norm, dating was closely controlled and occurred primarily under direct surveillance, that is, an older relative was supposed to be present at all times. Because of the number of severe restrictions and the very real consequences, women had to be extremely careful in expressing their sensual feelings and rely on subtle cues involving mundane things like handkerchiefs and windows. There were death threats as well. So those who yearn for a traditional woman but find all of this too irritating and burdensome, WTF were you expecting? As a man, you must learn that things have a downside and if you want the sweet you must take the bitter. Well I disagree, no women is worth this much bullshit. The rules of the religion do not allow any marriage unless the man agrees to convert to Islam. Therefore she will also have that in mind from an early stage. Jesse James A friend of mine from Greece and I were talking about racism in Greece at one point. There are no racists in Greece, because only Greeks are really allowed there. The same in other countries. Only in Western countries like the USofA do people get their panties in a knot. Unless the black guy, Latino, or any one else who is not white and certainly not male does it. In other countries, like Greece or the Middle East, nodding at an African trying to sell you crap merchandise without a look of severe contempt, automatically makes them stop you to find out from which Westernized country you come from. Third Eye That is a different take viewpoint on it, and I agree with you. If you look at all the International beauty pageants non-white Nations usually showcase their lighter skin women. Latin Countries showcase their lighter skin women. It is no lie just as you stated that Families of Arab women would rather them marry Arab men…BUT…. And Latinos do the same with Blacks. I am from the most diverse community…I can speak comfortably about my observations. TheTrueAndLiving Yes, a crossroads. Nubian influence from the south. Mediterranean influence from the north. Syrian, Semitic, Arab, etc. This is how it was in ancient Egypt. But the indigenous people of ancient Egypt were originally a race of African people who, like people living at other cultural crossroads, eventually intermingled and intermarried with people of different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. It is much more complex than black and white. We are not gonna go down this path again as I think its foolish whitewashing and I will not engage in ignorant ideology. Persians and Greeks came to sit as Pharaoh long after Egypt began…that is like portraying Native Leader Red Cloud as a white guy simply because the United States sits on lands where people lived on for thousands of years prior. Third Eye Whites whitewashed and tried to remove black history, again we never made it a big deal…this ignorance still is portrayed today in Hollywood and has to stop! Jesus was also BROWN as the original Hebrews were colored people not the Jews of Europe today which inhabit Israel Ashkenazi Jews. Other Whites even acknowledge this…A European archaeologist I believe in the 17 or 1800s states that he felt it was ironic that the blacks and colored people who began civilizations were relegated to slavery at his time. The Semetic languages like the commentator below comes from Africa…Afro Asiatic Languages. I learned alot about all sorts of civilizations, from Carthage to Mesopotamia to China to the Mayans. Do you really think they left out sub-saharan empires because racism? Im genuinely curious, I try to be open minded, so if this is the case, post some links. Not sure why why Europeans would create shows praising the accomplishments of non white empires and all of the guests on these shows are white btw so the ball is in your court. Also foreign audiences do not like to see this and yes it will negatively impact the money the movie gets…you can see this in the leaked Sony emails. Also most of the Pyramids were built in Sub Saharan Africa. Guessed No point arguing with these people. Blacks, who have almost no notable accomplishments throughout history, are eager to take credit for anything they can. To them the Egyptians were black, the Greeks were blacks, the Moors were black, everyone who accomplished anything until a hundred years ago was black. Anything that contradicts this is part of a conspiracy theory among whites to take credit for their accomplishments. OrthodoxChristian India has always associated light skin with higher caste and intelligence. The whole Hindu religion and its caste system was based on Aryan conquest of the nation after all. In Asia and everywhere else, the higher classes tend to be lighter skin. The northern almost always conquers the southern, cold makes a people hard, and warmth makes for softness, and northern climates favors lighter skin to better absorb what sunlight there is. The lighter skin in places like India was because people working in the fields had darker skin tone and the wealthier classes never had to do manual labor so their skin did not darken. Ulick McGee It has long been known by animal breeders that during the process of domestication, wild animals that are naturally black turn pie-bald. This has been seen in pigs, cattle, horses and others. The most docile and intelligent animals of any species are the whitest ones. Melanin and Cortisol operate on the same biological circuit in animal bodies. Reduce cortisol by selecting for tameness and you whiten the animal as a side effect. After 100,000 years humans have noticed that the light-skinned possess a series of traits that help in the pursuit of material success. The Chinese traditonally thought that men should have darker skin and women lighter skin. We are talking natural skin tone, not the effects of the sun. They thought this before they ever saw a European. Nothing got to do with Colonialism. Third Eye Some of the most richest people in history have been dark skinned. Melanin and Cortisol operate on the same biological circuit in animal bodies. They specifically focused on race and intensified and created elements of Racism never before seen. Europeans abolished slavery in Africa which Africans practiced on their fellow tribes since the dawn of time. The white South Africans had nuclear weapons so no one could force them to hand control to the majority but they did it anyway. All cultures prefer relatively light skin because it is associated with traits that lead to material success. Is that because Europeans were tall and convinced Africans that height is a good feature in a man? No, likewise skin tone. No matter our race, we instinctively admire relatively lighter skin tone in women and in masculine men it can be a sign of leadership potential and or wealth. Third Eye There were laws, courts, and Civilizations before Whites…they are not the bringers of these institutions…although they did contribute. I stated before that other groups that were non white also did not practice slavery long before and if they did have slavery imposed by whites their nations abolished it before many white nations did. Dark is DOMINANT and should be viewed as such. The FALSE admiration for people who lack melanin and are more prone to skin cancer should not be seen as a superior trait. There is beauty across all skin complexions and cultures. I myself have dated white women from Mediterranean to northern European and I personally prefer darker complexion in women…personally I find it far more attractive. Third Eye There is an element of Whiter is better in many Non White and even Black Countries.. Especially in former Colonial Societies. A while ago someone also stated similar about Russian women who like American men; it is because these Russian females know American men come pre-emasculated and whipped. Third Eye I saw a dark Asian Islander last year and I Love! I told her i really liked her skin tone and she tells me she does not like it that she wishes she was not that dark…then proceeds to sit down next to the worst looking redneck shithead i have ever seen.. I mean this guy makes regular Rednecks look bad lol. What a waste, If I find out a woman does this I will avoid her like the plague, if shes family or shes a close friend I would try to educate her. Robert James Griffith There are women of various races who have all kinds of different preferences as they pertain to men. I tend to find dark skinned Asian females attractive as well. They have those exotic Asiatic features, coupled with that deep smooth brown skin usually accompanied with some ass. As a White man, I am not going to waste my time going to a Hip Hop club in London England. Because my chances of maximising my own sexuality would be greatly hindered. Most of the females at such a place are going to be on the hunt for black cock. They will be looking for their ideal stud, or playboy. And that ideal will probably be a representation of a rapper etc. On the flip side, I would place myself where my value is highest. In a nation where my features are sought after, and in a nation where said features are uncommon. Brazil, Morocco, Dominican Republic, Japan, India, etc. When I was in the Dominican Republic, I was fucking Black chicks that could have been in rap videos if they were born in the USA. Women want new shiny toys to play with. Women have the minds of fuckin lizards. No matter what their race. If that was the case, then 50% of all White women in London England must despise themselves. Their is room for everyone, just not at the same table. Robert James Griffith True. The women are smaller, so a dude that is on the shorter side would appear to better off there. That being said, I grew up with a short dude that use to fuck bitches bigger than himself on the regular. So what do I know? Third Eye Well you are partially right, But I am right as well, with non whites there is a measure of White is Right…and Whites were placed on a pedestal. If I am killed, will I still go to Paradise? I swear by Allah. When they get older and are divorced, everyone forgets those things and fuck whoever they want. The marriage is essentially a business that is designed to continue the promotion of a particular culture or religion. Once the kids are grown and the couple is divorced the parents are individuals again. It is just one big restrictive cycle that human beings are not bold enough to get out of. Shaka Just to educate you ignorant fools. Islam sees no color! Islam was brought for the WHOLE human race. Not just for Arabs or people of brown skin. If Palestinian parents disown their daughter because she married a Muslim Black guy, their parents and culture are to blame, not Islam! Islam preaches and is written the Quran that everyone is equal in the eyes of God. So you all should stop assuming that Islam is just for Arabs or brown colored people. Japan, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Russia, all have a high number of Muslim people who non-Arab, and non-brown. This barbaric act to convert by the sword shows the true image of Islam and how it imposes terroristic ideologies. Moreover, It creates a great burden on my chest to see fools such as yourself defend a religion that promotes pedophilia and has caused nothing but violence in the past century. To believe in a prophet that nevertheless created any miracles and marry a 6-year girl old named Aisha shocks me. Even the women in Islam are whisked around like sheep with little to no freedom and if they were to go astray they will be stoned to death. I have to say, the west and the gulf arab state are entirely to blame here. Brosephus I dated a muslim girl from Tamil Nadu for approximately a year in college. And it was quite clear the whole time during school that she was absolutely petrified of her family back in India finding out about this, especially all the pre-marital sex we were having. It was over the next day. After several weeks I no longer saw her on campus at WashU. They want to make you Muslim. Stay away from that trouble! A former roommate of mine got into this relationship with a Muslim girl from Egypt and the next thing that happened was her being sent back to Egypt after her family found out because the guy did not want to convert. BDITM I grew up with Muslims in my family and Muslim friends and it really just depends. Someone who wears hijab and observes Ashura and forces herself to only eat halal, HELL NO! Napoléon In the end of the 19th century, a Jewish officer Dreyfus was wrongly accused of betrayal by the military. The leftists, at that time, defended the Jewish victim against the evil nationalist right. Then, when the germans came during WW2, the same leftitsts defender of the oppressed minority became suddenly histerical antisemitic, while the very firsts to take arms were the antisemitic and also antigermanic royalists nationalists. Tom Dane Muslims fuck everything up, everywhere they go. Here in Denmark they are everywhere. Forget about it, unless you want to die. Have hordes of muslim men roaming the bars every weekend looking for Danish girls? They bring NOTHING to the table, unless you like kebab and I dont. Everywhere muslims are everything turns into a sausage fest of epic proportions. David FunShip Armenians accelerated their own demise. The Russians gave the nation everything. We have also had a successful Diaspora for 100+ years. We could have made that place into an Israel on Steroids. Instead, the retards in charge over there sell everything off , commit white collar crimes against their own people, protect self interests all the while scolding the Turks. Bill the Butcher The nation of immigrants is a bunch of BS. The US was an extension of Great Britain when the revolution began. The revolution was as much a war of secession as it was a colonial uprising. While we are on the subject of nation of immigrants, all nations are nations of immigrants. For a nation to have a truly native population that population would have to spontaneously appear. A nation can be defined as a group of people who share beliefs, culture, language and preferably ethnicity. We can define German people, Spanish people, hell even Hispanic people can be defined as being a Culture-in-progress, not finished and that was born from the Spanish empire and that share cultural and linguistical characteristics and would need a few centuries to mature. Americans on the other hand are just a bunch of Europeans with no attachment and links to one another in the best case…only for the money, no shared history, not even religion, or a common culture beyond corporate sponsored slogans. Bill the Butcher You missed my point, no nation has a native population all nations are nations of Immigrants. Every nation should regulate who immigrates to their country or they will see wages drop and their culture change. Every country in the world has a population that came from somewhere else, people migrate due to war, famine, or conquest, they take over new lands and drive the occupants away. The majority of Americans do not want open borders they want restricted immigration or no immigration. Our leaders ignore them because they are loyal to the K street Lobbyists in DC. The lobbyist represent the business interests that benefit from reduced wages. The US does have a common culture, we have common music, language, and predominately Christian culture. China another big country has several dialectics of language, and no religion that binds them together. The US is unique country, it does not need to have open borders or people lecturing us on how we are not like other countries. We were a nation before the Constitution and we will still be a nation when our current form of government collapses and we slip into tyranny, as all democratic governments ultimately collapse. I must add that you guys are to blame for allowing these psychos in your country.. I recently asked a beautiful Swedish chick what she thinks of Islam.. Take the picture at the beginning of this article. Would it really be worth having to endure constant demands to convert to Islam and threats of violence to fuck what is at best a five? Males serve as available substitutes for unavailable women. The boy, however, is not considered to be emasculated since he is not yet considered to be a man. A man who has sex with boys is simply doing what many men especially unmarried ones do. This site preaches to marry women that are 1. Obedient to their husbands, 3. Know that family is important. And the women who follow such things are Muslim Girls!! I said it before, Muslim girls are the best sought out females because they at least have a sense of dignity left. Sure, there are some black sheeps, but on a majority scale, you are going to have a much decent life and stable relationship than a western woman who has been on the cock carousel. Get educated, and stop assuming things. That is blue pill bullshit. With chopped men at the helm, the ship is still for its believers a controlled amusement park carousel ride. Leave a man his FULL DICK and then let him weigh good and evil in his carnation. HOW FAKE IS THAT? Same for the Jew as well. Being feminine and pleasant, and having a low or zero notch count, are definite bonuses. But as with other such girls such as Mormons , I would demand she convert to my religion traditionalist Catholic instead. Sounds like a version of Creative Anachronism. I think all christianity has pretty much turned into that. The Enlightenment broke the continuity of functional christianity, even in the Catholic Church. Christians in our century have more in common with Creative Anachronists and pagan revivalists than they realize. They can imitate the forms of the religion based on what they read in books, but the imitations lack the substance because too much has changed in the world in the last few centuries. Not that I consider this a great loss. Eventually, most people will figure that out. I want absolutely nothing, not a single thing, nil, zip, nada, nothing to do with anyone who has even a remote connection to the core values of that religion. I just do not feel Islam and the west can coexist in a manner of the same society. I imagine a lot of men disenfranchised by the current state of the sexual market may be willing take these risks. High risk, high reward.

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