Online dating nerds

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It's also a good place to find news and reviews on animes, mangas, and conventions as well. Join Free nerd dating today. Have online dating nerds thing for guys of a certain age. Started in 1999, the service lets you join in just under a glad, while relationship-related blog posts cover topics like and Try it here: Pricing: Free to join. Remarketing Pixels We may use remarketing pixels from advertising networks such as Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook in order to advertise the HubPages Service to people that have visited our sites. Login This is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service. The good news is that this will probably scare off the ungeeky types who are unwilling to deal with anything less than a perfect user interface.

Dating can be hard when you are a geek or nerd, especially when you would rather stay at home and binge watch Dr. Who or your favorite anime, study for that Quantum Mechanics test you have coming up, or any of the other thousands of things that are more fun than going out and drinking at a bar. You could always meet that special someone at a convention where hundreds, sometimes thousands of fans of anime, Star Trek, comic books and other fandoms converge for a weekend full of fun. But it can hard to meet someone in this kind of setting, especially if you are shy. The dating sites plastered all over the news and radio, such as Eharmony and Match. For those of us willing to try online dating which is probably all of us , there is hope. There are plenty of sites out there made for just us geeks and nerds. I scrolled through more than 25 dating websites, and here are the best eight dating websites for people looking for that special nerd in their life. It's like any of the other major dating sites, such as Eharmony, or Match, with matchmaking questions geared towards geeks' and nerds' areas of interest, such as Star Wars, or Tron, anime, etc. With so many members you are likely, though not guaranteed, to find someone in your area who is interested in similar things. I, myself, have used this site, and have gotten quite a lot of 'winks' and messages from other users. That's not me trying to to toot my horn, but just as proof that there are other active people on this dating site. How much it costs: According to the website, it is free to browse and free to make and receive initial contact, but a profile must be created first. The initial contact includes things like liking someone's profile, or 'winking' at someone. If you want to send or a read a message from some, you have to have paid for an account. However, if person sending you a messaging has a paid account, then you can read their messages. A little bit confusing, I know. Paid accounts, like most sites, are in tiers. There are many spam users, and members who are just pretending to be geeky. The other downside is it's not as simple as pressing a button to change your membership or cancel. And like most dating websites, you get a lot of people who contact you once, and then you never hear from them again. Update: At the moment the website appears to be down. I don't know if this is temporary or permanent at the moment, but I will update with more information if it becomes available. Signing up is an easy two-step process with a quick questionnaire. Based on your profile, the site matches you with other users. Matches are updated weekly. If you are part of the LGBT community, in an open relationship, etc, this website offers many different options. How much it cost: Like with most sites, basic membership is free, which allows one to browse members, and respond to messages sent to them, but does not allow one to initiate contact. Also, be aware of the fact that your membership automatically renews unless you cancel it. Cons: You will have to answer questions about your physical traits, such as body type, hair, etc, but a photo submission is not required. The site encourages you to interact on their forums, chatrooms, and communities, so it's not for the lazy. If you don't know what any of that is, then this site is not for you. Otaku is technically a derogatory word for nerds in Japan, but American lovers of anime and manga have proudly embraced the title. The good news is that this site definitely caters to nerds, so there's no risk of running into any posers on the site. It's also not exclusively a dating site, so if you are just looking for a friend to go to a convention with, this website can also help. It's also a good place to find news and reviews on animes, mangas, and conventions as well. If you have a good sense of humor, and you've just binged watched all 600+ episodes of Naruto and Naruto: Shippuden, and need a new anime to watch, this site is for you. How much it costs: You can create an account for free, but a full membership is needed to communicate with other members. Con: The bad news is that this site is kind of confusing to browse. There's many different tabs that one can browse, and there's no real clear organization to the site, at least not for someone as OCD as me. It isn't clear what each tab is actually for either. For example, the tab labelled Dune Buggy, there's no clear description or warning of what it is, but after scrolling through it I unfortunately discovered it's a comic for very mature audiences involving a lot of penis jokes. In their own words, Intellectconnect offers an exlusive meeting place for thinkers, brainiacs and the intellectually curious. If you are looking for someone smart, you are likely to find them here. How much it costs: Membership is completely free. In other words, it kind of feels like a hipster website. Pros: The Right Stuff is an incredibly exclusive dating site for intellects. You have to be a graduate, faculty member, or current student of a short list of about 70 prestigious colleges, like the Ivy League schools or MIT. To be approved for this site, one has to submit proof that they are a graduate, student, or faculty member of the list of colleges provided on the site. Then one has to complete the forms provided by the website, write a short profile, complete a one page biography with a detailed account of your personality and preferences, and provide photos. If you have been approved, you do not create an online dating profile, the moderators of the site create one for you. You can meet people both offline and online and every month a list of profiles is e-mailed to you. Because the site is so exclusive, there are a lot of high profile and successful members of the site, at least according to the moderator. The first thing I thought when reading the very first paragraph on the home page is 'this dating site is for snobs. Despite the name, however, this is not just a site for Star Trek fans, but for fans of all things sci-fi related, in books, film, and television. This is the website for the nerdiest of the nerds. If you speak Klingon, and want to find someone else who does, go here. How much it costs: Nothing! Their questionnaire includes things like: what is your favorite anime genre, and which character from an anime or manga represents your perfect match um, it would totally be Kakashi, but Minato or Kyoya would be just fine too. Plus, you get to pick and choose who you want to give your information to, and have the option to remain anonymous. How much it costs: Unlike other websites, this one does not require a premium account to interact with other members, you can do so for free. But there is an option to upgrade to a paid account if you find you need more space to upload things like pictures. Cons: The site reads more like a fan forum than a dating site, but that might change if you actually sign up for an account, which I did not. I have read all the comments here and I want to share my experience too. I began to use dating sites approximately five years ago. So I got in touch with dating sites. I have tried about 40 sites. I will not list them all, but believe me, all the sites that you know - I've been there. There are good, there bad, there are clearly fraudulent sites. Of course there were only lies. Yes I was a fool several times. And then I met my wife, Masha. This is the best woman in my life, I love her so much. She is very kind, attentive, educated, loving. Masha is not mercantile and greedy. The only problem during our acquaintance was that Masha did not speak English. It was very difficult to communicate. We did not know what to do. But we found solution for our problem. We found translation service on the internet. We started to communicate on that site in September. Two months later she came to me for our first meeting. By the way she bought the tickets on her own. Next time I came to her in Moscow and offered her my hand. And then we got married... Oh, such a perfect day it was! So on that site there are still a lot of women, really good women who want to find love. And on the other sites women try and really want a relationship. Maybe my advice will help someone. Try this site youandme-we. Hopefully it will help you too. I wish you all good luck. Login This is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service. Akismet This is used to detect comment spam. 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